Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Types Of Questions That Influence Your Online Survey Accuracy

Surveys and polls are quite significant for all businesses, organizations, and corporate sectors. The surveys are helpful in getting essential insights with regard to the customers and clients and what they think about their business or brand.

In earlier times, the traditional survey approach was not very efficient and the results that were generated were not very accurate. Besides this, the types of questions that were used in the surveys and polls had a huge impact on whether the results generated would be accurate or not. But how is that possible? Let’s understand more about the importance of questions while designing polls/surveys. 

If you are including correct and relevant questions in the online polls or surveys, it will help you to increase the effectiveness of the online polls and also get genuine useful insights. If not, you would end up with data that won’t be useful. 

So what are these specific types of questions that can have a great influence on online surveys? 

#1 Dealing With The Choice Model Questionnaire

Through these types of questions, you will have a good idea regarding the quantitative approach of how to conduct market research. This, in turn, will help in learning a lot about the clients' preferences and the customers' journeys. 

The choice model questions can be used in situations where you would like to get insights into the customer’s reaction to a particular product. For instance, you can make use of the model-type questions to rank the elements or components of the product/services on which the market research has to be conducted. 

While embracing the choice model questions, you need to understand that it would include the scaling and analysis to get the efficiency or effectiveness of the business products or services. 

#2 You Can Include Rank Order Scaling Type Of Questions 

With these types of online poll questions, you can easily examine the characteristic features of the business product or services. You have the flexibility to ask the respondents to provide rank to different business products on a specific scale. Besides this, the rank scaling type of questions will ensure that the respondents are not assigning the same value to more than one product or product attribution. 

#3 implementing The Semantic Differential Scaling

In this type of question, you would be able to generate a proper estimate of the business products and brands and it will ensure that you can have a good understanding of people’s emotions/emotional attitude or not. 

The respondents are asked to provide ratings to a set of products and get just two to three adjectives. For instance, you can list out a set of products and make use of direct objectives such as like/not like, happy/sad, satisfied/not satisfied. 

Besides this, you can also implement numbers in the questions to increase the accuracy of the data generated. There are multiple types of semantic differential scales, such as slider rating scales, or non-sliders that can be used to get the information from the respondents without any hassle. 

The best aspect of such types of online polling questions is that they are time-saving. Respondents would just need a minute or so to complete the survey. 

#4 You Can Make Use Of The Matrix Questions Or Matrix Table

This is yet another type of online polling question that will help in getting quick as well as accurate questions without putting a lot of pressure on the respondents. The matrix questions are generally available in the tabular format that is divided into rows and columns. The rows and columns are provided with different attributes which the respondents have to choose from. The matrix tabular format will help in visualizing the different variants of the questions. 


You know that in online surveys and polls; it is quite essential to ensure accuracy so that the analysis that will be performed on the data generates useful and correct information. 

The accuracy will be maintained or even enhanced by the use of different types of online polling questions. If you are in search of the best online poll creation platform, then you can visit PollDeep. 

In PollDeep you would be able to create online polls free of cost and even customize them according to your preferences. The only thing that you would have to keep in mind is that different questions will have a different impact on the data generated — so be wise while choosing the type of online polling questions. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

How To Use Matrix Questions In Your Online Polling?

Businesses, corporate sectors, or organizations have started embracing online polls into business websites, social media strategies, or marketing tactics. This has been on the rise since the last decade in order to improve business functionality, improving customer reach, getting more traffic, and generate business revenue. The important thing to note here is that even after embracing the online polls, not all businesses are able to achieve the specified goals. Why is it so? 

The sole reason behind it is that the online polls are not implemented with effectiveness and by maintaining efficiency. Thus, the results generated are not very desirable. In order to improve the effectiveness of the online polls, you can introduce matrix questions in your online poll. Most often, people are unaware of the matrix questions and how to use them in online polls. In this article, you would get to know what are matrix questions and how you can use them and when you should use them in online polls. 

What Do We Mean By Matrix Questions In Online Polls?

Matrix questions generally refer to the set of multiple-choice questions that are displayed in the form of a grid (with rows and columns). The rows of the matrix are the representation of the questions, which are provided to the target audience or the respondents. The columns of the matrix are a representation of some of the pre-defined answers or choices, out of which the respondents have to select and provide the relevant answers. 

Matrix questions are considered highly effective in getting quick and relevant responses from the users (respondents). And thus happen to be very useful in online polls. 

Now that you have understood what is meant by matrix questions, it is essential that you understand when they should be implemented or used.

When You Should Make Use Of The Matrix Questions?

You should make use of the matrix questions in online polls when you want your audience to deal with similar ideas but get the insights on a particular scale or level. 

For instance, your business has launched a product or offered free service to the customer. You are confident that people like your services but not sure up to what level — Whether it is good, better, or best. 

So in such a situation, you can make use of the matrix questions. It will be not very time-consuming and also generate insightful data. The matrix questions will act as pre-defined and close-ended questions that your audience will find easier to answer. 

Other instances when you can make use of the matrix questions in online polls include:

  • Analyzing the customer satisfaction 
  • Gathering data about blog topics. 
  • Consolidating the rating scale and making it more digestible for the respondents. 

How To Make Use Of The Matrix Questions In The Online Polls: 

If you want your online polls to be effective, you must write efficient matrix questions by employing some best practices 

Here are some of the tips that will help you in using the matrix questions in the best way. 

1) Make sure you are using a limited number of matrix options in the questions. At the maximum, include 4 to 5 options in the online polls. 

2) You can provide some ways in which the respondents have the opportunity to opt-out of questions that they do not find relevant. 

3) Make sure that the questions are not very long and do not take time to be understood. It should be simple and comprehensible. 

4) To make the matrix question effective, you can include multiple concepts in it and then forward them to your respondents to answer the question. 

5) If you are using scaling options then make sure that it should not be more than 5. If you are using more options, then it would confuse your respondents, and they would either skip the questions or provide incorrect answers. 


Online polls are highly beneficial for different types of businesses, organizations, and even corporate sectors. So it is quite essential that you start implementing online polls on the business website or any other business portal. The best type of question that you can use is a matrix question. They are simple and time-saving, and easier for the respondents to provide their answers. So what are you waiting for? Just get started.  

Friday, 11 June 2021

Importance Of Polling For Sales Growth

In the digital era, we know that there has been a great rise in business competition. In such circumstances, it is quite essential that you are taking measures to draw the attention of the prospective as well as potential clients/customers and understand their requirements. 

For this, your business website has to keep the users engaged as soon as they reach your website. One of the best and most effective tools that can help in keeping your users engaged and improve the sales growth of the business is online polls

With the help of online polls, you have the flexibility to offer your audience something that is extremely engaging and easy to be a part of. 

You might feel that polls are quite simple and would not be effective in keeping the users engaged for a longer period. But then you are underestimating the potential of polls — online polls might be easy to create but they have immense power to attract the attention of the users that come to your website and provide interactive content.

For any business, having an online poll integrated into the website will be an effective way to generate high-quality leads for the business, and it does not require a lot of effort. Online polls will become a medium that will support your company to get in direct touch with your customers and get useful insights. 

These insights can be helpful in gathering data about what your customers think about your product, their services, or customer care. Besides, it will help you know whether the customers are taking an interest in being a part of your company/brand business or not. 

You can even attach a small form (this will act as a lead form) at the end of the online poll. In this way, you would be able to display a perfectly natural approach to get your users to reach out to you. 

Here is how the online polls will help you in improving your business sales. 

#1 Online Polls Will Help Your Audience To Pause And Have A Look At Your Business Brand

Whenever the users come to your website, they would take some to have a look at the website. In such circumstances, when they come across the online polls and provide genuine feedback, it will not just let them spend more time on your website, but they would also feel valued, and they will appreciate your business brand more. 

So make sure you are placing the online polls in a perfect place on the website. It will help to encourage the users to take some action on the website and ensure that they will not lose interest in your brand. You can include some quizzes or fun questions in order to engage the users. 

#2 Through Online Polls You Can Increase The Conversion Cycle

With the help of the online polls, you can let your prospective and potential customers know that there has been a new product launch, or price drop for particular commodities or even provide discount coupons after the completion of the polls questions

These tactics will not only keep your target audience engaged for a longer period with your brand but would also keep them informed regarding important brand/product information. Besides, it will encourage the users to buy the products they have been looking for or complete the conversion cycle that was left unattended. This will indirectly increase the business sales and support your business to grow. 

#3 Online Polls Will Help You In Gathering Useful Insights

You might be knowing that customer data plays a vital role in enhancing business growth and generating revenue. The online poll data will help the business analysts understand more about your customers. It will help them more about the products and services of your customers in finding the best and worst. 

In fact, it helps in reaching out and minimizing the inconveniences your customers might be facing or some issues they could be having in interacting with your website. Your business can take measures so that any such thing doesn’t happen and your business has happy and satisfied customers. 


Polling and surveys are quite significant for businesses but in the earlier times, the traditional survey methods were not very effective. In the digital era, online polls have become more efficient, easy to create, and offer great support to business growth. 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Fun Ways To Use Online Poll In Your Next Virtual Event

Fun Ways To Use Online Poll In Your Next Virtual Event

In the current situation, we can observe that most of the events, whether it be seminars or conferences, are being held online through virtual platforms. And experts assume that the situation would remain the same in the coming times as well.

In virtual events, you must understand how to take control of the event and keep your audience engaged for a longer period. But how to do that? The attention span of the audience is quite short. It becomes difficult to verify whether your audience is taking an interest in the event or not. 

In such a situation, the best thing you can do is make use of the online polls. Polls are considered the best companion for virtual events (meetings, conferences, webinars, or any other event) because they will be helpful in keeping your target audience engaged and also encourage interaction.

You can make use of the online polls in some innovative and fun ways that will help you to not just make your events engaging but also get you useful insights that can be further used to improve such events. Here are some essential and fun ways to integrate online polls into your virtual events.

#1 You Must Keep Your Polls Questions Simple And Understandable

You Must Keep Your Polls Questions Simple And Understandable

You do not want your target audience to feel bored and uninterested during the events. You can keep them engaged by asking a few questions in between the virtual event. But make sure that the questions are simple yet interesting. The question should be relevant but not very subjective — you can make use of the multiple-choice questions so that it would be easy for the audience to answer. 

The questions for the virtual events should be formed in a strategic way. It should be interesting for the audience and also fetch useful data for you.

If the audience does not understand the questions or find themselves unable to answer the question, they will usually skip it — this is not a good sign for your virtual event.

#2 You Can Include WordCloud In The Online Polls

According to the experts, it has been analyzed that the word clouds can be easily integrated into the online polls in a way to provide an introduction to the topic and also increase audience engagement.

It would be a different experience for the audience, and they will take a keen interest in the word cloud and also participate to answer the questions. It will not only improve the user engagement but also fetch you huge insightful data that you can later on use for analysis. 

#3 You Can Introduce Fun As Well As Educational Quizzes To Improve The Quality Of The Virtual Event

You Can Introduce Fun As Well As Educational Quizzes To Improve The Quality Of The Virtual Event

Through quizzes, you can add slight competition to the event. Besides this, it will also keep the audience feeling lively and energetic, and not bored throughout the event. But you must make sure that the quizzes are not very time-consuming or else the event would become quite long. It should be short and interesting enough to grab the attention of the attendees and ensure that they are being attentive.

#4 Include Some Fun Questions Through Online Polls 

When the questions are funny and interesting, it will increase the level of audience engagement. You can also include questions, which have to be answered through ratings to know whether your attendees are finding the event useful and interesting or not. In this way, you can increase the effectiveness of the virtual event

#5 Don’t Include Any Sort Of Personal Questions

No one would like to answer personal questions, and thus, you would find that more and more people are either skipping the question or not providing a proper answer to it. This will decrease the quality of the virtual event and make the entire event dull and boring. Moreover, the attendees would not even like to complete the event.


Online polls are essential in the current scenario as well as in the future for all businesses, organizations, and industries. While covering different types of virtual events, meetings, or webinars. Through polls, you can not just grab the attention of your audience but also keep them engaged till the last minute. You can convey your message effectively and in an efficient manner. You can make use of PollDeep for creating online polls and integrating them into virtual events.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Actionable Tips On How To Increase Survey Response Rates

Actionable Tips On How To Increase Survey Response Rates

Online polls are the best tools to get customer insights and data because they are effective, interactive, and help engage the audience. Most of the businesses, organizations and corporate sectors make use of online polls by integrating them into their business websites.

Businesses and organizations have efficiently used online polling tools and surveys to get genuine feedback from their customers, clients as well as employees. The data that is collected through these online surveys and polling tools is highly useful and helps in making important business decisions.

According to a study, it was found that not all businesses are able to gain correct or useful data, and the major reason behind it is the lower response rate generated by the online polling tools. When the response rate is low, it indicates that the respondents have not provided answers to all the questions, and even if they have, the results are not very useful.

So how to ensure that the response rate of the online polling tools is high and the data you receive is accurate and usable. For this, you would have to embrace some actionable tips that will help you to increase the response rate of the online surveys.

So what are those actionable tips for increasing the response rate of surveys? If you are not aware, then don’t worry. We have rounded up some of the best tips, which will instantly make the surveys more actionable and help you derive useful insights that can later be used for business strategy improvement.

When you are asking or requesting your target audience to provide their responses to the questionnaire, you are giving them some responsibility. While designing the survey, you need to ensure that the questionnaire should not frustrate or irritate your respondents — rather, it should be interesting and engaging so that you can get valuable feedback.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while designing an online poll:

#1 You Should Encourage The Respondents Participation By Offering Them Something:

If the customers know that they are getting something in return for their participation in the online surveys, then they would be more motivated to be part of the surveys and also provide valuable answers/feedback.

You can provide them with some small incentives, discount coupons, or even gift cards. In this way, you are not just increasing the response rate of the online survey but also increasing the number of people who would like to be a part of the survey.

#2 Right Survey Timing Will Be Helpful In Improving The Response Rate:

You cannot just share online surveys with random people and get the responses. You need to get genuine feedback from your target audience, and for that, you need to ensure that you are picking the right time for the survey.

Picking the right timing is also dependent on the type of survey you are conducting. Whether it is a customer satisfaction survey or a client feedback survey, choose the time when your target audience is most likely to provide the right answers without being biased.

#3 Always Ensure That Your Online Surveys Are Always Short And To The Point:

Always Ensure That Your Online Surveys Are Always Short And To The Point

This goes without saying that your target audience will not have the entire day to provide answers to your surveys. So while designing the online surveys, you must include questions that are short and to the point. These questions should be asked in such a way that they get genuine responses within a short period.

Note: Do not include more than 5 to 6 questions, and none of the questions should be subjective.

If the surveys are too long, then the chances of your audience abandoning the survey are higher, and you will not be able to generate useful insights. 

#4 The Online Survey Forms Should Be Mobile Friendly:

The Online Survey Forms Should Be Mobile Friendly

Nowadays, people are making use of smartphones more than anything else, and if the online survey forms are not compatible with smartphones, almost 70 to 80% of the respondents would not be able to participate in it. So you need to make sure that you are designing mobile-friendly forms.


If you are in search of the best online survey creator, then you can visit PollDeep. It is one of the best platforms or online polling tools that is well known for providing a wide range of tools to help you customize your online surveys. Not just design, but you can also share the surveys to different platforms and embed them in the business websites.