Thursday, 3 June 2021

Fun Ways To Use Online Poll In Your Next Virtual Event

Fun Ways To Use Online Poll In Your Next Virtual Event

In the current situation, we can observe that most of the events, whether it be seminars or conferences, are being held online through virtual platforms. And experts assume that the situation would remain the same in the coming times as well.

In virtual events, you must understand how to take control of the event and keep your audience engaged for a longer period. But how to do that? The attention span of the audience is quite short. It becomes difficult to verify whether your audience is taking an interest in the event or not. 

In such a situation, the best thing you can do is make use of the online polls. Polls are considered the best companion for virtual events (meetings, conferences, webinars, or any other event) because they will be helpful in keeping your target audience engaged and also encourage interaction.

You can make use of the online polls in some innovative and fun ways that will help you to not just make your events engaging but also get you useful insights that can be further used to improve such events. Here are some essential and fun ways to integrate online polls into your virtual events.

#1 You Must Keep Your Polls Questions Simple And Understandable

You Must Keep Your Polls Questions Simple And Understandable

You do not want your target audience to feel bored and uninterested during the events. You can keep them engaged by asking a few questions in between the virtual event. But make sure that the questions are simple yet interesting. The question should be relevant but not very subjective — you can make use of the multiple-choice questions so that it would be easy for the audience to answer. 

The questions for the virtual events should be formed in a strategic way. It should be interesting for the audience and also fetch useful data for you.

If the audience does not understand the questions or find themselves unable to answer the question, they will usually skip it — this is not a good sign for your virtual event.

#2 You Can Include WordCloud In The Online Polls

According to the experts, it has been analyzed that the word clouds can be easily integrated into the online polls in a way to provide an introduction to the topic and also increase audience engagement.

It would be a different experience for the audience, and they will take a keen interest in the word cloud and also participate to answer the questions. It will not only improve the user engagement but also fetch you huge insightful data that you can later on use for analysis. 

#3 You Can Introduce Fun As Well As Educational Quizzes To Improve The Quality Of The Virtual Event

You Can Introduce Fun As Well As Educational Quizzes To Improve The Quality Of The Virtual Event

Through quizzes, you can add slight competition to the event. Besides this, it will also keep the audience feeling lively and energetic, and not bored throughout the event. But you must make sure that the quizzes are not very time-consuming or else the event would become quite long. It should be short and interesting enough to grab the attention of the attendees and ensure that they are being attentive.

#4 Include Some Fun Questions Through Online Polls 

When the questions are funny and interesting, it will increase the level of audience engagement. You can also include questions, which have to be answered through ratings to know whether your attendees are finding the event useful and interesting or not. In this way, you can increase the effectiveness of the virtual event

#5 Don’t Include Any Sort Of Personal Questions

No one would like to answer personal questions, and thus, you would find that more and more people are either skipping the question or not providing a proper answer to it. This will decrease the quality of the virtual event and make the entire event dull and boring. Moreover, the attendees would not even like to complete the event.


Online polls are essential in the current scenario as well as in the future for all businesses, organizations, and industries. While covering different types of virtual events, meetings, or webinars. Through polls, you can not just grab the attention of your audience but also keep them engaged till the last minute. You can convey your message effectively and in an efficient manner. You can make use of PollDeep for creating online polls and integrating them into virtual events.

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