Friday, 16 June 2017

Let's Agree NOT to Use Agree/Disagree Questions in Online Poll

For some weird reason, human nature seems to have it ingrained to stay agreeable and positive even during the toughest situations. But, did you know that this life virtue is also applicable in surveys? The truth is, this particular virtue might even introduce bias in your online survey.

According to studies, there are several ways on how your agree/disagree questions you use in your poll online can urge your respondents to answer them in such a way that doesn’t necessarily reflect their real opinions.

The Problems with Agree/Disagree Questions for Your Online Surveys

Online polling experts have found out that there are two primary types of problem which can arise when you use the usual agree/disagree questions.

  • Straightlining
One of the ways that an agree/disagree question can cause problems is through making it easier to go through several questions of your online polling and choose the same answer each and every time even without really reading the choices you provided. Having several questions in a row with almost the same answer options such as agree or disagree might end up boring your respondents. They could still provide their responses to every question but they don’t carefully consider which response is truly the best and most suitable.

  • Acquiescence bias
It is almost again human nature for people to say things such as yes to things or even agree with things even when they don’t feel that way. Try to imagine this: If your coworker asks you do like her new dress, you will feel the need to agree with her, right? Studies have revealed that this tendency is also applicable when people answer survey questions as well.

According to experts, item specific questions have options of response which are specific to a certain question. They claim that instead of sticking to a one size fits all scale which will apply to several agree/disagree questions, you can go for a scale with a wording that has been tailored to match the unique wording of the question.

What It Means for Your Online Surveys

If your online poll makes your respondents feel bored when you ask them a series of agree/disagree questions, chances are they will not be that conscientious or focused when they give their response. After all, what will be the point of asking these questions when you know that your respondents will not really even try to answer them well?

While the item specific questions will require an extra effort to answer as compared to the agree/disagree questions, there is no need to worry because their benefits far outweigh their drawbacks. When people exert more effort, it means that they will have more care and concentration when they make their response. This will then lead to a more carefully considered response which translates to more accurate data for you.

Even if you use the best online survey creator, everything will be useless if you cannot get the data you need. If you want the survey experience to be good not just for your respondents but for you as well, let’s agree not to use agree/disagree questions in your next free online surveys.

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