Monday, 12 July 2021

The Complete Guide To Using And Facilitating Online Polls

Online polls and surveys are some of the most popular marketing tools that will help businesses get genuine feedback from their customers and use the data gathered to make informed business decisions. A few years back, online polls were used in a very static way — in simple words, the online polls were integrated into the websites and shared on social media platforms to gather feedback/reviews/opinions of the customers (target audience). But in the current scenario, online polls are serving a lot of purposes. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, all social gatherings were prohibited, and this, in turn, gave rise to virtual meetings, webinars, etc. In the current situation, online polls are used in many of the virtual sessions like an interactive tool to gather instant responses from the attendees and to keep them engaged with the session itself.

So now the question is, how to use and facilitate the online polls and make the best use of them. 

Here we provide you a complete guide that will help you in using and facilitating online polls. To make the process simplified, you can follow the steps given below. 

#1 It Is Always Better To Focus On Adding Interactive Points In The Online Poll: 

You must understand that interaction points are added in the online polls in order to stimulate engagement among the attendees. This will also help in making the event more dynamic. To add the interaction points, you need to go through the entire flow and then choose the essential portions where you can easily insert the interactive points to make them effective.  

#2 You Can Use Online Polls To Initiate Discussion: 

Whether it is a meeting, a live session, or a webinar, it is essential to make sure that the attendees are taking a keen interest in it and are not getting distracted due to the virtual nature of the event. For this, you can make use of the online polls. Because online polls have the potential to trigger discussion, they make webinars more effective and interactive. People would like to provide their opinion, which, in turn, would help in improving the insights gathered from the polls

When you keep getting instant feedback from the online polls, it would be an efficient way to guide the attendees and keep providing them the structure for the discussion. Moreover, with the help of poll results, you would be able to design concrete discussion phrases and use them in the live sessions. 

#3 Use The Online Polls In A Constructive And Contextual Way: 

You already know that the online polls can be used in live sessions or webinars, or even meetings to increase interaction. But this is not the only goal. Online polls can also be used for facilitating the flow of the event — whether it is a meeting or a webinar. Besides this, you can use the polls to ensure that the attendees have understood the context of the event properly. The briefing will help them to have a good understanding of the event and make it worthy of their time. You can also utilize the poll result to go over certain points in a more thorough manner.

#4 Make The Poll Results Practically Usable: 

What do you do after getting the poll results? You could analyze it and use it for your business growth and improvement. Also, you may display the poll results generated to the attendees so that they know the actual picture. But to make it more interesting for your audience, you can help connect the dots between the poll results and the event you are conducting. The audience would be more engaged after getting to know the results and focus more closely on the next segment of the virtual event.

#5 Facilitating The Online Polls To Highlight The Essential Points Of The Event: 

You can facilitate the online polls even while you are planning to wrap up the event. The effective way to use the online polls is to display the highlighted points of the events and make them available to all the attendees. You can let the attendees understand and get their opinion whether the points mentioned are right or wrong. 


Online polls are not just helpful in getting genuine feedback but also for making your customers, clients, and the audience feel valued. They feel that their opinion matters and can be useful in making informed decisions for your business. If you are planning for any virtual event and want to integrate polls, then you can use PollDeep. It is an online platform that allows everyone to create dynamic online polls free of cost.

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