Thursday, 2 December 2021

Bad Survey Questions And Survey Design Mistakes To Avoid

Design Custom Survey

Surveys are the most effective and efficient ways to generate accurate data and use it for further data analysis. Many corporate industries and businesses use surveys to get insightful data from customers and clients. The experts analyze the received data and use it to make informed decisions for the business. This data is utilized for making changes in the products, services and ensuring that the customers are happy.

Surveys help businesses to grow and perform better in the market. It helps in establishing a stronghold in the market position. There are many instances that show that the organizations are unable to do so even after using the surveys. It is because they make mistakes while designing and framing the survey questions. Due to these mistakes, you are unable to get accurate results or feedback from your respondents. So, how to avoid such design and survey question mistakes to ensure the best feedback from the respondents. We have listed the mistakes that you should avoid while designing surveys and questions.

#1 The Survey Questions Does Not Have Any Target Audience:

Make Survey Question

Before you frame questions for the survey, you should have a basic understanding of your target audience. You can conduct research to know about your target audience and then frame the questions. With generalized questions, it is difficult to gather accurate results.

#2 You Are Not Including Proper Options For The Questions:

When you ask a question, you should provide a proper option for the respondents to answer. There should always be a provision of “can’t say” or “skip the question” for every question. It is important for those respondents whose answers do not match any of the options. If they are not getting the proper option, they might abandon the survey.

#3 You Should Avoid Using Complex Language For The Survey Questions:

create a survey online

The language you use for the survey questions should be simple and convenient. If the respondents are unable to understand the questions, they might end up answering them with wrong opinions. In this way, the data you receive is not accurate or useful in any way.

#4 Do Not Ask Long And Confusing Questions:

When you combine multiple questions into one question, it creates confusion in the mind of respondents. They are unable to understand how to answer the question. Therefore, while you frame survey questions, ensure that they are simple, short, and can be easily understood by the maximum proportion of the target audience.

These were some survey question mistakes that you should avoid. Now let us understand the survey design mistakes that you should avoid.

#1 The Survey Should Be Optimized For Mobile Devices:

When you design the surveys, ensure that they have a responsive design. Most of the respondents will access the surveys through their smartphones. So if you have designed the surveys only to be viewed properly on the desktop, the respondents will have a hard time using it on their smartphones.

#2 Not Selecting The Right Template For The Surveys:

While designing the surveys, you should choose the best template. With the help of the right template, you can enhance the visual appeal of the surveys and ensure that your respondents like them too. But while doing so, you should keep in mind to use the most suitable template for the survey. The choice is based on the topic or purpose of the survey. For instance, if you plan to conduct a poll about business products and services, it is better to opt for a formal template. Whereas, if you plan to design a survey for entertainment, choose a light and interactive template. It will help you to increase the response rate.

#3 Avoid Asking Too Many Questions:

When you are designing the survey, remember that your respondents do not have the whole day to provide answers to your questions. So try to keep the survey short and to the point. When the surveys are short, the respondents will provide answers to most of the questions and increase the response rate. Moreover, you can enhance the quality of the data you receive. Having high-quality data to analyze will enable you to make informed decisions.


Creating surveys is easier than you might have guessed. But at times, people end up making mistakes while designing a poll and framing the questions. These are some of the points that you should avoid while you create online surveys. These points will help you to avoid all the survey questions and design mistakes. If you are looking for a tool to design the best surveys, choose Polldeep. You will have the flexibility to choose the most suitable template, customize it, brand it through the company logo, and share it. 

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