Monday, 17 May 2021

Get Honest Feedback And Survey Responses Through Online Polling

Get Honest Feedback And Survey Responses Through Online Polling

You might have read about the increasing significance of online polls to improve business strategies, enhance virtual classroom studies, improve the presentation and virtual events. But to get the best results, you will have to make sure that you are designing, implementing, and distributing the online polls in an effective way. After satisfying all these factors you can ensure that you will be getting genuine or honest feedback or reviews through the online polls.

What Do We Mean By An Effective Online Survey?

An effective online survey is one where you are able to get the maximum response rates from the target audiences or respondents. You must create or design online polls that are quite reliable, short, simple and also encourage people to provide answers to them. The insights that you receive through online surveys or polls will help you make informed decisions for your business or organization. 

So how to design an online survey that is highly effective and helps you gain honest feedback? Here are some of the important steps that will help you achieve what you are looking for. 

#1 Your Online Surveys Must Have A Clearly Defined Purpose:

Your Online Surveys Must Have A Clearly Defined Purpose

When you are not sure what type of response and insights you are expecting from the online surveys, you will not be able to design a perfect survey. When your goals for online surveys are not defined, the results will also be completely fuzzy and not reliable. Your online surveys must have proper and clearly defined objectives, as they will support you in designing the right questions, sharing them with the right respondents, and then finally getting genuine data. 

#2 The Online Surveys Should Be Short, Simple, And Focused:

The Online Surveys Should Be Short, Simple, And Focused

The most important and practical thing that you need to understand here is that your respondents do not have a whole day to provide answers to every question that is asked in the survey. So if you want the feedback from the online survey to be genuine and honest, you should ask short and simple questions. It will not be waste of time for your respondents, and you will be able to get the right answers within no time. Besides, when the questions are short and simple, it will be easier for the respondents to complete the survey within a few minutes.

#3 Always Make Use Of Close-Ended Questions:

You are probably quite aware of the fact that open-ended questions require a bit of explanation and it can be biased. The open-ended questions are based on the perspective or opinion of the individuals and thus are not considered reliable. To get a genuine and honest response, you need to ask closed-ended questions that will have one short and simple answer to the questions. With close-ended questions, the respondent will have to answer just in either of the two words - Yes/No. In this way, you will be getting genuine and honest feedback.

#4 Don’t Ask Irrelevant Questions:

The most important part of online surveys is that you have to focus on asking questions that your people/respondents might find relevant. Irrelevant questions do not have any purpose, and the data that you will generate from them will not be of any use. Moreover, having a set of irrelevant questions will make the respondents skip the questions, and there wouldn’t be any data to rely on.

#5 Make Sure You Are Reaching Out To The Right People (target audience):

You can not go and conduct online surveys on any random group of people. Your surveys should be limited to the people to whom your business is associated or caters to. With this, you can have a clear picture that the answers or feedback you would be getting are completely genuine and reliable.


Online polls are one of the most effective tools for interacting with the customer, engaging them with your brands, getting their opinions, and making them feel valued. All these things are quite important for any business, whether it is small or big. So make use of online polls or surveys to reach out to the right people and get their honest feedback. Use the best online poll creating a platform — PollDeep for designing free simple as well as customized online polls.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Best Practices For Webinar Survey During Virtual Events

Best Practices For Webinar Survey During Virtual Events

Online polls are increasing in demand nowadays. It is because of the ease and convenience it provides to the users, along with the quick results. In the present scenario, everyone who wishes to conduct online surveys or polls does not have to wait for weeks to get the feedback and then analyze the answers and finally reach a decision.

Online polls provide quick feedback and easy analysis of the results. There are no delays in taking important decisions and improving productivity or overall business growth. Online polls are finding their applications in a lot of sectors and not just the business world.

You can observe that various online classrooms and virtual events, seminars, and webinars are also taking a lot of interest in integrating the online polls to improve their teaching outcomes. Usually, when people are making use of online polls in webinars or seminars they are not able to make effective use of them. This is due to a lack of complete knowledge or improper integration.

Here are some of the best practices that you can embrace while using online surveys in virtual events. By following these best practices, you can easily ensure the result you were expecting.

#1 You Must Make Sure The Question Asked Through Online Polls Are Extremely Simple:

You Must Make Sure The Question Asked Through Online Polls Are Extremely Simple

During the virtual events, the audience is not at all inclined in providing subjective answers. Moreover, considering the fact that it is a seminar, the audience may not have enough knowledge about the subject being discussed. So you must include only those questions that are simple to understand and provide answers to. You can use multiple-choice questions or one-word answer type questions which are easy and convenient for the audience to answer.

#2 Do Not Display Multiple Questions At A Time:

The audience members who are attending the virtual events need to read the questions, understand them and provide answers to them. It will require some time (suppose one or 2 minutes). Plus, the device through which they are attending the event could also pose a challenge to them. For instance, reading questions on a laptop screen is easier than trying to read them on a mobile screen.

If you want to display multiple questions, then make sure you are doing it at a proper pace. If you keep asking multiple questions and that too all of a sudden, the audience will not be able to provide proper answers to them, and the result you will get will not be reliable.

#3 You Should Not Make Use Of Combined Questions:

Most often, it happens that the host of the virtual event combines two to three multiple questions and asks it in one go. This makes it confusing for the person to answer what they actually think or express the right way. Many people may even find it challenging to understand the question.

#4 Make Use Of The Polling Questions That Audience Would Be Interested In Answering:

While the audience is part of the virtual events, you must ensure that you are asking relevant questions which the audience might be interested in answering. You can ask some direct and simple questions that would relate to the webinar topic. It will be easy and convenient for people to answer such questions.

#5 Provide Proper Instruction To The Audience:

Different online polls have different working. So you need to explain the steps or provide instructions to the audience to make the proper use of the online polls. Sometimes, people fail to answer the questions because they are unable to make proper use of the interface of the polls. You can display the instructions or steps in the sidebars so that they could be easily read and followed by the audience.

#6 The Online Polls Should Be Short And Should Not Consume Much Time Of Your Audience:

The Online Polls Should Be Short And Should Not Consume Much Time Of Your Audience

The online polls that you are conducting in between the virtual event must be short with about 5 to 6 questions. That will help you get useful insights as well as it will not be a waste of time for your audience. Besides this, you can conduct such polls after every short period, then it ensures that the virtual event does not become boring and helps you keep your audience engaged in the virtual event.


You can make use of the online polls, for a wide range of purposes, and integrating it in the virtual events is one of them. You can use various online poll creation tools that are available today. The best one that we would suggest to you is PollDeep. You can create online polls free of cost and share them and even embed them across websites or other platforms.

Monday, 3 May 2021

How To Use Online Polling For Making Team Decisions

How To Use Online Polling For Making Team DecisionsOnline polling is one of the powerful and effective tools that help in improving the performance of the overall business. In the current scenario, you can see that there are numerous businesses (small and big) that embrace the online polling technology to enhance the traffic of their websites, improve the conversion of sales, improve the marketing strategies of the business, and various other things. Experts have also claimed that online polling is highly effective in decision making and improving the working of a team. But how exactly do virtual polls help in this regard?

Let’s understand how online polling can be used in making useful and important team decisions.

#1 You Can Use Online Polls For Improving Collaborative Decision Making:

You Can Use Online Polls For Improving Collaborative Decision Making

Within a team, you will have to take a lot of decisions and ensure that everything is done by taking into consideration the opinion of each and every member. But it is not practically possible to go and ask each and every member whether the progress is acceptable or not, whether the strategies are working or not, or any other essential questions.

For instance, if it is a team of 100+ people, then you definitely need something that will simplify your work, when it comes to asking for the members' opinions. You can make use of online polls in such scenarios. You can consider multiple-choice questions, or get reviews/ratings on specific work or embrace any other virtual polling technique.

Online polls are a quick and easy way to gather feedback from the team members and make a collaborative decision based on the results of the polls. 

#2 Get Useful And Innovative Ideas From The Team Members Through Online Polls:

In the business house, you might be having different teams. These different teams would require different ideas and marketing strategies to improve the business revenue. Each team might be having a different idea, and thus random pooling of ideas would lead to a lot of confusion. A better way to get innovative ideas from the varied teams and reach a common decision is to conduct online polls.

You can add all the ideas to the polling system and ask everyone to vote for the idea they find the most effective for the business. Finally, you can choose the idea that has received the highest percentage of the votes.

#3 Online Polls Eliminate The Lengthy Discussions And Debates:

The most important thing for an organization or business is to ensure that the decisions are not just taken quickly but after considering every team member’s opinion. However, trying to take into account everyone’s choices or preferences, leads to lengthy discussions which do not seem to have an end. With online polls, you can easily eliminate these lengthy discussions and ask every member to vote for the final decision.

#4 You Can Use Online Polls To Generate A List Of Advantages And Disadvantages For Improving Decisions:

You Can Use Online Polls To Generate A List Of Advantages And Disadvantages For Improving Decisions

When the ideas are flowing among the team members, everyone has an opinion about them. Sometimes it is a negative opinion, and sometimes it’s a positive opinion. You can use online polls to list out all the pros and cons of a specific idea and then reach out to the final decision that will help in improving business strategies.


Online polling is considered the best and most effective tool because it will be eliminating all sorts of friction that occurs when the discussion is going on among the team members.

Online polls give an equal opportunity to each and every person so that they all have an equal opportunity to express their thoughts or their opinions that can help the business. The best aspect of using the online polls in different teams is that you get instant results, and the decision-making process would not be delayed. You will not have to waste any of your precious time and just work on the business strategies.

It is considered a great way of team building as well where each person is supporting the collaborative decision. Moreover, you will make the team decisions completely democratic and neutral. No one would be able to influence the decision that has been taken from the results of the polls. Do make sure that you use a poll maker which gives you the freedom to customize the polls as per your needs. If you are in search of a different online poll creator, then you can make use of PollDeep. You can create customized online polls and even share them or embed them easily.