Tuesday, 1 February 2022

How To Use Polls At Different Customer Stages

Use Polls At Different Customer Stages

Conducting polls and surveys is a great way to understand your target audience. In earlier times, it was difficult to get genuine feedback from the customers to analyze customer satisfaction. But not anymore. In the digital world, you can conveniently make use of customer surveys through various online portals, websites, emails, and social media. You can publish the polls/surveys and share them with millions of people simultaneously to get feedback. Such feedbacks are necessary for businesses to know how they can make their customers happy and satisfied with their services. Moreover, it will give you an idea of whether the marketing strategies are working or not.

To get a perfect analysis of the customer’s mind and their opinion, you should conduct polls at every stage of the customer’s journey. Without polls, how will you know what your customers are looking for? How will you offer/recommend them the right product/services? How will you beat your competitors to gain more customers? Answering all these questions is only possible when you are trying to understand the customer’s journey. For that, you would have to survey at different customer stages.  

Creating The Map Of Customer’s Journey

Analyze the  Customer’s Journey

While designing the polls, you need to ensure that creating the map of the customer’s journey is quite essential. Only then you would be able to set up online polls at different customer stages. When you are mapping a customer’s entire journey, understand customer experiences and expectations from the business. The stages of the customer’s journey include major touchpoints, and you need to use this while designing the polls.

Through the touch points of the customer, stages will enhance the effectiveness of the online polls/survey.

Getting Into The Customer’s Mindset

know the customer mind set
Once you have understood and mapped out all the different customer stages, it is time to get into the mind of your customer. The best way is to analyze through what platforms you can get into the mind of customers. It can be the 
  • Social media platforms
  • The website 
  • Feedback forms of review portals
  • Emails 
These are the platforms that can help you to get in direct touch with your audience. You can design online polls/surveys and publish them on the website, social media sites, review portals and send them through emails. 

With the polls, you can analyze the activities of the customers at various stages. You can ask them how the customers got to know about the business brand. Give them options and let them choose the right option.

Once you get to the answers to this question, you can move to the second stage. In this stage, you need to know whether the customer ever interacted with the business brand or not. The interaction can be in the form of visiting a website, subscribing to the services, purchasing the products, and much more. Again, you can use the online polls to get responses from the customers. 

As soon as you are getting the answers to the above questions, it is time to move to the next stage. Sometimes your customers are more interested in the services, blog content, products, freebies, and much more. First of all, you need to know what your customers are interested in. Based on the results, you will set up the polls including relevant questions. For instance, if the customers are interested in the services, get to know what type of services? 

Will they like to continue? 

What is the best aspect of the services? 

What you do not like about the services? 

Similarly, if the customers like the blog, know what content they find engaging? 

What type of content they are looking forward to reading? 

If it is a product, learn about the best and worst features of the products. These things will make the analysis strong and foolproof. 

After covering up all the stages, you need to get to the last stage—customer grievances. It is not always that your customers would be happy with you and your business. If they are experiencing some issues, conduct polls to know what type of issues. Based on the results, you can get in touch with the customers and try to resolve the issues. If possible, you can make changes in the business policies, strategies, and methodology to keep your customers happy. 


Now you have understood all the different stages of a customer’s journey, where you can use the online polls. If you want to design online polls or surveys, you can use PollDeep. They provide a hassle-free way of creating and customizing the polls. With their extensive range of templates, you would be able to create appropriate polls for each customer stage and gather more accurate feedback.

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