Thursday, 14 July 2016

Why Online Poll is So Popular?

With the ever increasing competition in the market, businesses are under pressure of taking the most important decisions within short span of time. Online surveys have contributed considerably in providing the relevant information for business decision-making. There can be many ways in which surveys can be conducted like telephone, interviews, mail or internet. Though every medium has its own pros and cons, it's online survey which has taken the lead among all. 
Online poll has many benefits over other form of surveys. The main advantages of conducting an online survey are listed below. These are the reasons for popularity of online survey among people.
1) Cost Factor Attached: The cost benefit which online survey offers make it a clear winner among other surveys. You can conduct your survey at a very less cost as compared to telephone, in-person or other surveys. Your respondents just require a system and internet connection to take part in this survey. Online poll has reduced the cost of manpower and material, giving you better return on investment.
2) Proper Synchronization for Users: Your respondents will be happy to reply if you will take care of their ease and comfort. By integrating features which can skip or re-direct to some other questions, you can save time of your participants. If you will incorporate features for better user-experience, you will stand a better chance for higher response rate.

3) Less Biased for More Relevance: Since the participants are not in direct contact of the interviewer, he gives fair and unbiased reply. The respondents usually get intimidated by the presence of the staff and give their biased opinion. Through online surveys participants can answer the survey's questions from the comfort of their home. The data collected is more relevant and reliable for further processing.

4) Integration of Interesting Elements: With latest technology and advancements, you can add various interesting elements like video, audio and images into your online poll. Your respondents will surely find it more entertaining and engaging. Educating your participants will further add credibility to your brand increasing your response rate considerably.

5) Speedy Response: As stated above, business houses have to take speedy decisions so that they can survive in this competitive market. Online surveys give the much needed valuable inputs at a faster rate so that decisions can be taken. Speedy response give you important information which can be further processed according to the requirements and needs of the business.

PollDeep, the ultimate free online poll creator comes loaded with the best and unique features which makes it the most accomplished free online poll tool. PollDeep has been designed to help you in creating, managing and sharing your results easily. There are many features like maps and discover trends to help you locate your audience with ease and comfort. You can use it for conducting poll on various attributes like employee feedback poll, student research, customer satisfaction surveys and many more. Go for it to conduct the most result-oriented online poll.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

How Does Online Poll Influence Your Business Decision-Making?

Being a business owner, you will have to take many business decisions on a regular basis. Whether you are launching a new product or you are trying to find out a cost-effective production method, decisions are an integral part of any business. Online survey can help you in gathering all the necessary information which is needed for taking the decisions. Be it a regular decision on your employees or a complex decision involving your competitors and market scenario, input is needed for taking meaningful decisions. 


Accurate and meaningful decisions are taken on the basis of reliable information from online poll. Online poll can influence the decision-making of your business in the following ways which are listed below.

1. What is the Need for an Online Survey?

Proper goal-setting is very important before conducting an online survey. You should be clear and precise about the information which you want to gather. The need for your online survey should be clear in order to formulate further steps. Put yourself in the shoes of the customer before designing the questions of the poll. The questions which are aimed towards the respondents should be properly framed so that they serve their purpose. Right purpose with right set of questions will give you valuable insights for taking important business decisions.

2. Formulate Your Questions According to Your Need

After setting your goal for the online poll, the next step is to formulate the questionnaire according to the need. Instead of going for the general questions, focus on more specific questions. Design questions which will be more focussed towards the goal of your online survey. You can ask demographic questions which will give you accurate information regarding your respondents. Based on these results gathered, you can take meaningful decisions. The number and the kind of questions you will ask should be pre-determined after taking many things into account.

3. It should be Response-Driven

The purpose of your online poll should be to achieve maximum response from the respondents. Try to reach to maximum numbers of participants so that enough reliable data can be gathered. The questions should be framed in such a manner that they incite the customers to reply. Any online survey having questions which are not interesting enough to engage your respondents will go unnoticed. You can increase your response rate by allowing different promotional discounts and offers. The more people's response you will have, better it will be for your survey.

4. Time to Make the Decision

After gathering all the relevant inputs from the online poll, it's time to take your decisions. You can collect, manage and analyse the data according to the business needs. The information you get from online survey is usually organized which saves a lot of time. Right questions in your questionnaire will lead to getting accurate and reliable data from your respondents. Rely on these valuable inputs to take the right business decision which will help your company to grow and flourish. Online survey can give you the winning edge over your competitors through important insights.

PollDeep, the ultimate free online poll creator comes loaded with the best and unique features which makes it the most accomplished free online poll tool. Both Multinationals and Startups can use PollDeep for gathering various information related to product, competitor, market condition and many more. PollDeep has been designed to help you in creating, managing and sharing your results easily.

Monday, 4 July 2016

How does Online Poll Benefit Consumers and Businesses?

Online surveys have become a helping tool for gathering valuable information from consumers. It benefits business to take various important business decisions and consumers to give their inputs. With the inputs collected from respondents, business can make relevant changes in the products which will again benefit the customers. Online poll can be useful in serving your present and prospective customers in a better way. 


Importance for Businesses

Online survey give business house important fodder on which it can strategize its business policies. Whether it a corporate giant or a new startup, investing in market survey is always fruitful. The kind of result it can bring is phenomenal as compared to the money spent on it.

Online poll is used as a marketing tool to reach out to your customers. It can give answer to many important questions about customer's taste, customer's buying factors and many more. You can get the reaction of the customers for your newly launched product or service. You can re-design or make the relevant changes at the right time to make your offering full-proof.

Another benefit which Online survey offers is the the cost effectiveness. Small amount of money is invested in online poll as compared to traditional offline methods of surveys. It offers you the most meaningful results with less labor involved. Moreover, you can get the information within few days as against the traditional methods where you have to wait for many days.

Importance for Consumers

Online survey has become the most frequent way to collect information from the consumers. Consumers also get benefited from these survey as they can give their suggestions and feedbacks which help the producers to improve the products. With more and more competition, businesses try to give the best at the least price.

Online poll can be used by the customers as a platform for giving their suggestion to the entrepreneurs. Online survey is important for the constant improvement in the products and services of the business. Consumer's feedback is essential for better product at less price.

You can either design your own online survey or you can hire a professional surveyor for conducting an online survey. There are many paid and free online survey builder software which you can use to conduct your survey. The kind of freedom you will get with these tools will make your whole process easy and comforting. These software give you the option to customize your online poll according to the need and requirement of your business. Choosing the right tool is itself a challenging task which has to be done properly for getting the most meaningful and effective results.

PollDeep, the ultimate free online poll creator comes loaded with the best and unique features which makes it the most accomplished free online poll tool. Businesses can use PollDeep for gathering various information related to product, competitor, market condition and many more. PollDeep has been designed to help you in creating, managing and sharing your results easily.